<body> Not weird but just uniquely different <body>

Monday, November 01, 2010

My thoughts are all over the place for a while..

thats why I haven't been blogging...

but a little sneak peak on whats been in my mind...

This sem is so different
I gain and lost so much,
everything is changing so fast,
life is really a roller costar ride,

I worked during sem break at PJLA,
It was fun I gotta meet with different people and find myself again,
Somehow it made me realize the good and bad in the people around me,
And I gotta work on my problems.
even though I wanted to shout sometimes that

I hate the feeling knowing that something is hanging between u and ur close friend.
I hate knowing their mad at you or have something on their mind but not wanting to spill.
Hate wanting to just hug them and making everything go away.

somedays I feel so messed up
somedays I dont feel like getting out of bed,
Somedays I feel like jumping for joy,
Somedays Im all smiles,
Somedays I just wanna scream,
Somedays I wish i was emotion-less
Somedays I wana try new things,
somedays I want wads familiar,


This is for U,
Honestly without you around this year,
I dont think I could manage degree,
You helped me though everything,
from break up's to mess up's
you were always there,
you somehow made things feel better,
like in a moment I forget everything,
and not everyone can do that to me,
we always got each other's back,
no matter what happens,
I want you to know,
Im so great-full that your in my life,
And I want you to be there till the end
Your an amazing person and Im blessed to have you in my life.
Even though I doubt Ill be seeing you around by the end of this month..
thank you for happy days..

You no2.
I know you love me but can you stop making me regret every call I make to you!!
seriously your DRAMA-queen-nest is annoying me.

You no.3
I hate u, for making everything so hard.

I know whats right but you make whats right so wrong.
I hope your happy.


Every year since I was 13 I got one new piercing,
13years old-2nd hole*ear
14-years old-top ear
15-self pierce 3rd hole
16-belly piercing
17-another 3rd hole*took it out**
18-nose piercing **took it out**
19-lip piercing ** took it out**
20- eye brow ** currently**

And this is the final peircing i hope.
Next year TATTOo.

I actualize the things I wanna do,
next botaking ...
