<body> Not weird but just uniquely different <body>

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Im seriously amazed how I could walk by so many people
and never really know them,
for example I know this dude from a friend
talked to him a few times but we walked pass each other for almost two months in uni
before we actually found out who we were.
ironic wouldnt cha say...

words cannot express how freakin happy I been lately,
sometimes I wonder if im really good enough for this,
the ghost from the past still haunts me,
wounds that have healed leave huge scares that still hold me back.
there is this huge bump that I have to pass...

sometimes all you need is more than words and empty promises,
sometimes I feel like im dreaming and I need a pinch to wake up.

I alway told myself trust no one,
and I was right...

but what if this time Im wrong?
Sunday, February 06, 2011

the randomness fun day with B ♥
I cant believe how good this year has been been to so many new places which
the people I call friends are truly angels! =)
erm... I had an accident with the brush....

I miss staying on my own...
after moving out of PJ
i barely get to meet up with me peeps!
*I miss you guys!*

I had loads of fun staying at the 3rd floor ;)
I see you
*easy for spying no? *

But Hotmama decided to move 2 kl..
hence Ill be living in Puchong.
It aint so bad,
the only thing is having everyone suddenly wanting to know wtf Im doing.



Tuesday, January 11, 2011

you cant be against me..
but that wont bring me down..

the 1st time I heard this song it didn't make sense..
but now it kinda does ;)


Sunday, January 09, 2011

I'm mended...
not by someone,but by a bunch of people that helped me
I Feel like I was sleeping for the whole 2010year and I'm awake again.
so u better watch out (RAWWRR)

The best new years

Thank you for accepting me for who I am.
flaws and all ♥


Friday, January 07, 2011

There are short moments where I just let my thoughts wonder....
Maybe its wrong, but I cant help wonder...
sometimes when I type that URL... I hope to see it gone..
But there are times where I'm scared to find it missing...

But one things for sure,
Im not looking back wishing things were different...
for I know I deserve better

the best you'll never have.


Friday, December 31, 2010

Baisez vous 2010!!!-au revoir tous les temps de merde

Hellooooooooooooooooo 2011!

Despite all The Shit This year had alot of good memories as well...
And alot of new people in my life
which Im so grate-full for each and everyone of you.

